Der's blag

Der's blag

Fdroid to Google Play proxy


If you do not want to use gapps on your device, but still need some proprietary apps frequently updated, there is a solution. You can set up a script that will fetch apps that you need and store them in a F-Droid repository.

I’ve set up a repository with some stuff here, but only for testing purpose.

Steps to reproduce (and sample commands):

  • Install fdroid server package. (fdroidserver Debian package):
	sudo aptitude install fdroidserver
  • Create user for repository and log into it:
	adduser repo
	su repo
	cd ~
	mkdir -p repo/repo
	cd repo
	cp /usr/share/doc/fdroidserver/examples/ repo
  • Get python googleplay-api:
	cd ~
	git clone
  • Take a device with gapps (emulator is OK) and get GOOGLEPLAY_ID. Remember, you need GOOGLEPLAY_ID, not ANDROID_ID. Then add it (and your login && password or token) to ~/googleplay-api/ Set up the rest variables according to what you desire.
  • Get my files:
	wget -O ~/googleplay-api/
	wget -O- | tar xvf -
  • Use for adding packages. For example, ~/ org.mozilla.firefox. Then run cd repo && fdroid uptade -c
    • If you want, you can fill in ~/repo/metadata/org.mozilla.firefox with package information
  • ~/ will update all the packages, add it to cron, if you want
  • ~/repo/repo is your repository. I made a symlink from /var/www:
	/var/www/repo -> ../../../home/repo/repo/repo 
  • Add it to F-droid.